The forest products industry is responsible for converting raw wood materials into various products, including paper, pulp, and building materials.
Central to this process are high-temperature operations, such as those found in bark burners, dry kilns, green fuel burners, and waste wood furnaces, which are essential for processing wood fiber. Given the harsh operating conditions, these systems rely heavily on refractory materials to protect equipment from extreme heat and chemical exposure from alkalis.
Forest Industry supplies are selected for their ability to withstand the thermal and chemical challenges posed by the combustion of wood and chemical recovery processes.
In these furnaces, dense firebrick and high alumina bricks are commonly used to line combustion chambers and heat zones due to their durability and resistance to both heat and corrosive chemicals. Monolithic refractories, such as castables and gunning mixes, are frequently applied for maintenance and repairs because of their flexibility and ease of application.
Additionally, ceramic fiber products are used in insulating parts of the equipment, improving energy efficiency by minimizing heat loss. These refractories are vital to maintaining the efficiency and longevity of the forest products industry’s equipment.
Larkin Refractory Solutions is actively involved in supplying the forest products industry with high-quality refractory materials tailored to the sector’s specific needs. With a comprehensive range of products, including dense and insulating firebrick, high alumina bricks, monolithics, and ceramic fiber insulation, Larkin ensures that forest products plants are well-equipped to handle the intense conditions within boilers, kilns, and other critical equipment.